
Hi there!

Thanks for your interest in our project!

We built this application for the Internet Computer Supernova Hackathon.

Naturally, a Hackathon project will have its flaws and bugs here and there - it is not to be mistaken for a polished software product!

Feel free to take a look around and try out our service but we do not take any responsibility for financial losses or other damages caused by the use of our Hackathon project!

Your web3 platform for a new era of podcasting.

Monetization and community management has never been easier.


Start using Conshax:

Decentralized Hosting

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Value for value podcasting

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Tokenization potentials

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Monetization Section

Never worry about your file hosting ever again.

Fully decentralized hosting

Immutable storage - once files are up, they stay up

100% uptime

Monetization Section

Best of both worlds: Inclusively exploit Web3 potentials.

All podcasts hosted with Conshax natively support value tags from the Podcasting 2.0 standard. These tags enable new opportunities for listeners to support podcasters when using apps like Breez or Fountain. However, your podcast will of course be available on all common platforms.

Monetization Section

Unlock tokenization potentials for your podcast.

Crowdfunding via token-based revenue sharing

Reward supporters with access to services, events, etc. (soon)

Individual token utility tailored to your needs (soon)

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Enter a new world of podcast monetization in less than 5 minutes

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